Waiting Time In the Waiting Room and a negative (virus, stain, speck of dust) number is watching the sand clock run down, the last grains passing through the neck………………………………..BLAAAM!!
Our time burst onto the scene the instant this universe blew itself into positive numbers. (Which, of course was a big mistake on the universe’s part because a belch in the process spewed humankind into the fabric, but that’s another story.)
Our time doesn’t believe in straight lines and so probably gets to bump into itself pretty regularly, a kind of haven’t I been there before situation.
Also, there is no logical reason why the universe we’re living in should be the only one that fireworked itself into being, which means there’s no particular reason why our time should be the only kind of time that exists either, even here and now. Thus there’s no particular logic behind the idea that all times are spreading in the same direction, so it follows that lots of times ought to be crashing into each other, or at least rubbing shoulders, all over the place. Pretty chaotic I’d say. Haven’t I seen me afterwards somewhere before?
So, whatever direction it comes from, you viruses, you stains on the fabric of the universe, you dirty little specks of dust you, there is no time for you to lose because, although there’s a terrible lot of it aroundabouts, in the end, you lose it all, even that which wasn’t yours, or ours, which is just common sense.
Talking of common sense, talking of counting, this is a bit of number theory from New Scientist magazine.-
“”Alatrism” would be formed from the word “alatry”, the practice of not bothering to worship any deities, regardless of how many there may be (recall “idolatry” and the prefix “a-” for “no” or “not”). This brings us to Feedback’s Statistical Proof of Alatry.
It goes like this. The only thing we know about deities with any certainty is that the number of them is a whole number, the idea of a fractional deity being frankly absurd. So the number of deities in our universe is an integer, in the range from minus infinity to plus infinity. (We leave the theologians to interpret a negative number of deities: this is number theory, and its conclusion should save them the trouble.)
For it is commonly accepted that we should expect our universe to be typical of possible universes. So the expected number of deities is in the middle of the range of possibilities. That is, zero. Quod erat demonstrandum.”
Now, that should give you a little more time to spare, you stains on the fabric of the universe!
Not that the universe cares at all. After all, compared to the beautiful scale of things, we’re all just a minor irritant, not even a grain of sand, and the universe has plenty of time on its hands to deal with us.
And a good job too.
The sand clock is running, the last grains passing through the neck………………………………