ICAC/AC Standard Notification Document. CEREEA 7. Department of Culture Equalization and Rendition.
Reference; EUCAUC/F758362100402/REND
Reference; EUCAUC/M758363081106/REND
Reference; EUCAUC/F758364270804/HOLD
Secondary Reference; 135S. Economic Infringements. Tome 3, Section 48B, Illicit Copying and Media Transfer.
Date of issue of document/notification:
Projected date of receipt of document/notification:
You are hereby notified that A:
The Department of Culture Equalization and Rendition, section European Union (EU) of The International Court of the Alliance of Civilizations, in accordance with established Cultural Equalization and Rendition Educational Exchange Agreements, has determined that;
EUICAC4730UK, Mortimer, Melanie Hilda,
be informed in accord with section 24C of The Culture Equalization Tariff Laws of 7 January 2012, tome 7 ICAC document 874B49, that the afore mentioned reference,-
EUCAUC/F758362100402/REND, Mortimer, Dawn Roxanne, is being transferred to the MF Treatment Center 18SA for a period of twenty seven days of Temporal Education Exchange Treatment.
And that the following reference,-
EUCAUC/M758363081106REND, Mortimer, Vivien Arun, is being transferred to the MF Treatment Center 18SA.T for a period of fifteen days of Terminal Education Exchange Treatment.
That B:
Both Exchanges are judged to be in compensation for registered and proven illegal movement and manipulation of ICAC documentation and visual records (135S. Economic Infringements. Tome 3, Section 48B, Illicit Copying and Media Transfer) by the legally registered head of the Mortimer Family Unit and ICAC operative;
Contract Reference:
EUICAC4730UK, Mortimer, Melanie Hilda,
and the consequent decrease in margins of profit on sales of said documentation and/or visual records.

That C:
Legal grounds for an appeal against decisions taken by The Supreme Council of the ICAC have been deemed by the Court to be constitutionally unfounded.
No appeals will be accepted.
AC and ICAC authorities and their affiliate organizations have ample powers and the right and means to assure compliance to all court directives under articles 34B and 34D through to 39G of The Constitution of The Alliance of Civilizations.
That D:
EUICAC4730UK, Mortimer, Melanie Hilda,
will be expected to make arrangements and cost the return and rehabilitation of;
EUCAUCF758362100402, Mortimer, Dawn Roxanne
MF Treatment Center 18SA
via Rendition Flights Ltd A-380 shuttle services, after having received the standard form,- Notification of the Termination of Temporal Culture Equalization Rendition Treatment, CEREEA 8.
That E:
EUCAUC/F758364270804/HOLD, Mortimer Hernández, Alba,
is being held under a Temporary Department of Culture Equalization and Rendition Order at EU Treatment Center 54SP in lieu of complete adherence and compliance with all ICAC court orders and requisites in accord with section 24C of The Culture Equalization Tariff Laws of 7 January 2012, tome 7 ICAC document 874B54.
That F:
Any irregularities on your part, or lack of cooperation in TEETs on the part of the aforementioned reference EUCAUC/F758362100402/REND or the aforementioned reference EUCAUC/M758363081106/REND and, or, if margins are not met on the sale of product produced during the periods of the above mentioned Culture Equalization Rendition Treatments/Temporal or Terminal Education Exchange Treatments, will automatically mean the holding status of;
will be revoked and a period of twenty seven days of Temporal Education Exchange Treatment will be confirmed for said reference at AS Treatment Center 23IN and will also mean the transfer of;
to a further course of fifteen days of Terminal Education Exchange Treatment after the course of Temporal Education Exchange Treatment has been finalized.
That G:
In accordance with the ICAC and AC Freedom of Information Acts, 2010/2011, digital visual sound and picture recordings and documentation of the afore mentioned TEET sessions will be made available for sale via ICAC and AC authorized internet outlets and AC embassies worldwide.
The TEET Programs organized via ICAC and its affiliates, are designed to be profit making. Profits are reinvested in further Equalizing Cultural Respectability Projects and your full cooperation in these and further projects is a requirement under internationally binding laws drawn up in compliance with AC Department of Public Entertainment Legislation, tome 9 ICAC document 125A69.
For, The Right Honorable High Commissioner for Respect,
ICAC/AC, Department of Culture Equalization, 25/04/17