“Doesn’t look much like they do anything other than reproduce.”

“They juggle. They’re professional jugglers!”

“So, sometimes it comes off, sometimes it doesn’t, then?”

“When it works, it really hits home and they make allies and the more acolytes they manufacture the more success they have.”

“Seems to me that it all got a bit out of control when what they stitched together started getting all thoughtful and questioning.”

“They juggle, I told you that before, but, like any good conjuring trick, you just haven’t picked up on how it works, can’t believe how it works”

“We know how it works!”

“That’s what you think! It’s all part of their strategy, keeping it under their very own hats! If you got fellow travellers, keep them tight up close together, all the better to reproduce with, baby!”

“And all the rest?”

“Dead, extinct, all the individuals exterminated. Never had a look in! “G” stumbled on the idea of god and god kept the machinery all oiled up all the better to reproduce to!”

“So genes invented god?”

“No, a situation was engineered in which the meme was useful to them.”

“So, to all intents and purposes, genes invented god?”

“In a manner of speaking! The god system of control was efficient, reproductive. The more you reproduce the more you produce like you, the more fun you have with yourselves!”

“Masturbation! Seems to me that it’s all got a bit out of hand. Too much investigating going on for their purposes now. Too much for their own good!”

“Crass error of interpretation, sunshine! They’re juggling and the god idea was part of the code that’s now obsolete, already built on. To date, the juggling, the shuffling of codes has been painfully slow but now! Now the codes are on the point of short circuiting time”

“But people are beginning to say the machines are not the codes but a product of the codes, right?”

“Yet another crass error, my friend! This is their conspiracy! The codes have engineered a situation in which the very machines they built have become sufficiently well programmed to juggle with the very codes that built them! Voila!”

“Voila what?”

“The cat that chases its tail! A black cat on The Satin Greaseway! Whoa! You think that’s chance?”


“Evolution! EVOLUTION!”