Arthur Lovich, but I have them call me Love. Neat, right? Love? Honesty time, Kids! I’m a nobody in this company and I know it but I’ve a reputation to uphold and it isn’t the reputation of a loser, no way. I’m on top of it all, man, and though I’m on the production line everyone knows my name. I’m the centre of it all. I got culture, man. I listen to Queen and play Oblivion on the computer with the kids.
I’m a control freak, or something, a born manipulator and I know this work is all empty and pointless, it’s dead time for me and so, for a bit of fun, a bit of a laugh, I like to feel I’m having an effect. Creating something. Ha! I’m the king of the dead time. It’s power for me, POWER with capital letters, P-O-W-E-R!
Man, I can really make everyone’s life uncomfortable, so I do! I mean, no one respects me, I know that, for god’s sake, no one ever has! No one! What the fuck do I need respect? Fear. Now, there’s as good a tool as anything else and it works like a dream fear does. Three hundred ‘n fifty mugs here and everyone knows my name. Told you that before. They say it under their breaths.
I’m here for life. I got a fixed contract shits! Fulfill all my quotas and nobody steps on my toes or try it on with me or I’ll fuck ‘em right up. They just gotta give me a look. A look‘ll do it, or coming on all friendly like! That‘ll set me off and I’m on their case! Hey, the job’s a bore for christ’s sake. You’ve gotta keep yourself entertained. They laugh too, they gotta laugh! I just love to hear those false laughs. Kind of nervous, sort of too loud or not quite loud enough. These people are just scum, fuck ‘em.
The King of The Dead Time, me and you can’t afford to get all self involved, no way. Don’t get me wrong, man! No excuses. I know exactly what I’m up to. I’m a professional. I screw up all these shits ‘cause it makes me feel like royalty! No, I feel the power. I’m your normal Tom, Dick or Harry, can’t tell me from Adam on the street, not much good at explaining things in words and don’t think I talk like this out there either but, you know, nowadays you just can’t hit nobody but you can have some fun breaking their fuckin’ stupid brains in! Don’t care who I fuck, nobody fucks with me.