Magdalene bed number four eight six black priest from Africa’s hand hovers vacuum packed bags of morphine hooked to ship’s rails above the bed sheets stamped N H S white light dog collar fluorescent tubes at eye level last catholic in the world black hand sign of the cross your turn mother flashes red number twenty five voyage
“Whose turn? Whose next? Twenty six? Twenty seven?”
…faded blue gown starch many times laundered laundered falls open on a shoulder of dimpled ham clear plastic mask pumps oxygen into side of dead wrinkled meat ribs rise and fall pumped up pumped in sunken eyes already withered portholes in another dimension on another voyage gaze past them all out of it all number twenty nine at the end of the tunnel white light black hand signs the cross and the virgin Mary disguised as archangel flaming heart Jesus last catholic in the world sits under the bed beckoning under the cream coloured frame of the electric motors coiled cables bed on the cold salmon shade fake granite chip floor in a puddle of celestial light urine drain bag leaking yellow on salmon linoleum…
“Come aboard! Come aboard! Whose turn? Thirty one? Thirty two?
…yellow on salmon sunset black priest from Africa my mother dying vacuum packed bags of morphine hooked to ship’s rails at eye level portholes your turn flashes red number twenty five all aboard voyage tubed up tubed out bag drip drip dripping dripping tick tock tick tock into her vein butcher’s meat on the slab and the whole god damned family audience impatient at the door of ward four eighty six clutching their little pink paper numbers for an audience drip drip dripping their turns and drip drip dripping time running out for absolutions number forty seven nephews and niece niece whose turn into the next world carry my weight away for me spitting on the light at the end of the tunnel desperately pleading the butcher for her money back where is the guarantee verbal diarrhoea not a blind bit of notice taken vacuum packed bags of morphine hooked to ship’s rails above the bed snow sheets stamped National Health Service white light frosted fluorescent tubes at eye level your turn flashes red number twenty five voyage virgin Mary disguised as archangel flaming heart hippy Captain Jesus sits under the bed beckoning through the dog collar porthole under the cream coloured frame of the electric bed sinks to horizontal at my mother’s last smile…
“I’m not here any more, kids! I’m over the sea and far away carried from port by celestial sails that sing….National Health Service….on the infinite cool black breeze….